Olympia Farmers Market

Market News

700 Capitol Way N, 98501
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Sunflower Community Solar Project

Olympia Community Solar and South Sound Solar have partnered with the Market to complete the Sunflower Community Solar Project. The Sunflower Project will include 200 Washington-made solar panels above the entrance of the Market. South Sound Solar will design and install a 75-kilowatt system to produce enough energy to power the entire Market by September 2021.

Currently, approximately 50% of the units for the project have been sold and there's only two weeks left to purchase a unit. Ownership of the project is publicly available in $300 solar units that represent about half a solar panel.

A generous donor has committed to match the next ten solar units that are donated to local non-profits! Please visit olysol.org/sunflower for information on donating or visit Olympia Community Solar at the Market on Saturday or Sunday.