Olympia Farmers Market

Online Vendor Resources

How to Print an Order Invoice

From the menu, go to Order>Order Listing

On this page, vendors will be able to see customers, payment status, fulfilment status and other details for all submitted orders.

To generate an invoice for a single order:

Locate the order in the table and click the ellipsis on the far right. Click View.

This new window displays information for the selected order.

Scrolling down and looking at the column on the right-hand side find “ADDITIONAL ORDER DETAILS” and select “Print Customer Invoice” from the drop down menu.


To generate multiple invoices at once:

From the Order Listing page, select all desired orders by checking the respective boxes in the furthest left-hand column.

Once the multiple orders have been selected and highlighted, select BULK ACTIONS > BULK INVOICE located near the top right corner of the page.

To confirm this request, select “YES” from the dialog box.

Next Article: View/Edit Your Seller Profile